Friday, July 10, 2020

Friday 10th July

Good Morning,
It's Friday again. Nearly time for the weekend. I hope you have a lovely day. I look forward to seeing how you get on with today's tasks.

Here are today's activities.

Activity 1 -Literacy
Practice writing the Capital Letters. Match capitals and lower case letters. Write a short sentence starting with a capital letter. Remember a full stop at the end.

Activity 2 - Maths 

Activity 3 - Creative/Skills
Hour of Code game. - choose which one you would like to play from the pre readers section.

When you get to the screen and it asks you to log in just scroll down a bit and click on the box that says play without saving and you can play the game. On the next screen click quick start in the green box near top of page. 
Complete as many levels as you can.

(Complete 1 of the 3 activities below)
1. New phonics play 
Play a game of your choice - phase 3.
Lesson 55

Read a book from book bag or listen to a story from Collins Big Cat.

Have a good day :)
Miss Letherby

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Good Morning,
I hope you are well? The weekend is in sight - not long to go.
Remember to keep in touch. It's great to hear from you so please remember to keep sharing and commenting. 

Here are today's activities.

Cosmic Kids Yoga (YouTube)

Activity 1 -Literacy
Create your own planet.

What does your planet look like? Do they have pets there? Draw your own space scene and give your planet a name.

Activity 2 - Maths 
The dinosaur that pooped a planet- Day 4
Complete the activities

(Complete 1 of the 3 activities below)
1. New phonics play 
Play a game of your choice - phase 3.
Lesson 54

3. BBC Bitesize - phonics videos 'er'.

Read a book from book bag or listen to a story from Collins Big Cat.

Have a good day :)
Miss Letherby

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Wednesday 8th July

Good Morning,
How are you today? I hope you are all keeping well?
Remember to keep in touch. It's great to hear from you so please remember to keep sharing your work and commenting. 

Here are today's activities.

Wake yourself up with Joe Wicks PE live on Youtube.

Activity 1 -Literacy
Think about all the things the dinosaur ate in the story, martians, cats, the moon, planets, rockets etc. Write a sorry letter from the dinosaur to the martians to apologise for being so greedy and eating everything in space.

Activity 2 - Maths 
The dinosaur that pooped a plant - Day 3 Complete the activities

Activity 3 - Creative/Skills
Art - How to draw a dinosaur.

(Complete 1 of the 3 activities below)
1. New phonics play 
Play a game of your choice - phase 3.
Lesson 53

3. BBC Bitesize - phonics videos 'ure'.

Read a book from book bag or listen to a story from Collins Big Cat.

Have a good day :)
Miss Letherby

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Tuesday 7th July

Good Morning,
I hope you got on well with the home learning tasks.
Remember to keep in touch. It's great to hear from you so please remember to keep sharing and commenting. 

Here are today's activities.

Activity 1 -Literacy
The dinosaur was very greedy. What does it mean to be greedy? Why isn't it nice to be greedy? Discuss.
What lesson does Danny and the dinosaur learn by the end of the book? Discuss.
Have you ever had a greedy dinosaur moment?
Draw pictures of and label some of the things the dinosaur ate.

Activity 2 - Maths 

Activity 3 - Creative/Skills
Have a go at making your own packed lunch that you would take up to space. You could sit outside in your ‘rocket’ or make a pretend rocket to eat your lunch in.

(Complete 1 of the 3 activities below)
1. New phonics play 
Play a game of your choice - phase 3.
Lesson 52

3. BBC Bitesize - phonics videos 'air'.

Read a book from book bag or listen to a story from Collins Big Cat.

Have a good day :)
Miss Letherby

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Monday 6th July

Good Morning,
I hope you have had a lovely, relaxing weekend!
I had a BBQ on Saturday even though it was a bit chilly. I look forward to hearing what you have been up to.
Remember to keep in touch. It's great to hear from you so please remember to keep sharing and commenting. 

Here are today's activities.

Wake yourself up with Joe Wicks PE live on Youtube.

Activity 1 -Literacy
Listen to the story of ‘the dinosaur that pooped a planet’
Can you find words that rhyme in the story.

Talk about the story and say what you liked or didn’t like about it.

Activity 2 - Maths 
The dinosaur that pooped a planet - DAY 1 Complete the activities

Activity 3 - Creative/Skills
Linked to maths.
Create your own space rocket. (Using household objects/recyclable materials/Lego) This could be big enough for you to get in or a small mode.

(Complete 1 of the 3 activities below)
1. New phonics play 
Play a game of your choice - phase 3.
Lesson 51

3. BBC Bitesize - phonics videos ear.

Read a book from book bag or listen to a story from Collins Big Cat.

Have a good day :)
Miss Letherby

Timetable WB 6th July

Here is the timetable for the week beginning 6th July. 
Please continue to keep in touch and complete the home learning tasks.

Reading - Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Listen to the story 'the dinosaur that pooped a planet - Find words that rhyme. Discuss story. Say what you like, don't like about the story.
Maths - Day 1- The dinosaur that pooped a planet.
Creative and skills- Make a rocket using recyclable materials/household objects.
PE - Joe Wicks PE

Reading - Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Think about what it means to be greedy. Have you ever been greedy? Write a list of all the things the dinosaur ate.
Maths - Exploring the concept of doubles (Oak Academy)
Creative and skills - Make your own packed lunch that you could take up to space with you.
PE - Summer games challenge

Reading - Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Write a sorry letter from the dinosaur to the martians to apologise for being so greedy and eating everything in space.
Maths - Day 3 - The dinosaur that pooped a planet
Creative and skills - How to draw a dinosaur.
PE - Joe Wicks P.E (Youtube)

Reading -Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Create your own planet.
What does your planet look like? Do they have pets there? Draw your own space scene and give your planet a name.
Maths - Day 4 - The dinosaur that pooped a planet
Creative and skills - Magic Milk experiment
PE - Cosmic Kids Yoga (YouTube)

Reading -Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Practice writing capital letters. Match capital and lower case letters.
Maths - Finding half of numbers to 20. (Oak Academy)
Creative and skills - Coding Hour of code.
PE - Go Noodle

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Thursday 2nd July

Good Morning,
I hope you are well? The weekend is in sight - not long to go.
Remember to keep in touch. It's great to hear from you so please remember to keep sharing and commenting. 

Here are today's activities.

Cosmic Kids Yoga (YouTube) -

Activity 1 -Literacy
Vegetable printing.
Use vegetables dipped in paint to create your own vegetable prints or veggie pictures.

Activity 2 - Maths 
Play the Chopper Squad game.
Find 1 more or less with numbers 1-20

Activity 3 - Creative/Skills
Flower Pounding.
1. Take a walk - grab some bright coloured flowers and leaves
2.-Assemble the materials you will need: 
-flowers or leaves to print
- paper, or old cloth like and old T-shirt or pillow case.
- A hammer (including ball-peen or cross-peen, if you have them)
- hard work surface (cutting board, slab of wood, etc.)
- paper towels (kitchen roll)
- scissors
- a pen
- tweezers or toothpicks

3. Place a flower on to your chosen material face down, and cover with a paper towel (kitchen roll)
4. Let the smashing begin - with your hammer, hit the surface of the kitchen roll all over the area where the flower is.
5. Check progress - peel back the kitchen roll. If the pattern of the flower is on there then you are probably done, if not put back and continue to hit with the hammer.
6. Unveil - lift of kitchen roll and peel the leaves off your fabric. If they are too wet leave to dry for a while then they will brush off. 
You should have a lovely print left on fabric.
Feel free to repeat this process to make a lovely print.
To preserve spray with hairspray or any other acrylic spray.

(Complete 1 of the 3 activities below)
1. New phonics play 
Play a game of your choice - phase 3.
Lesson 49

3. BBC Bitesize - phonics videos 'ow'.

Read a book from book bag or listen to a story from Collins Big Cat.

Have a good day :)
Miss Letherby

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Wednesday 1st July

Good Morning,
Today is the first day of a new month. We were in June do you know what month we are in now?
I can't believe we are in July already - the time has whizzed by. Only a couple more weeks until the summer holidays. In September you will be big year ones!
Remember to keep in touch. It's great to hear from you so please remember to keep sharing and commenting. 

Here are today's activities.

Wake yourself up with Joe Wicks PE live on Youtube.

Activity 1 -Literacy
Draw a picture of your favourite vegetable and write a sentence to say why.
I like …….. because…….

Activity 2 - Maths 
Olivers vegetables - Day 3 Complete the activities

E.g First he had 3 then he planted 1 more now he has 4.

Activity 3 - Creative/Skills
Grow your own carrot tops. Observe over the next couple of weeks and talk about changes. You could keep a diary and record observational drawings e.g on day 1, day 3, day 7 etc.

(Complete 1 of the 3 activities below)
1. New phonics play 
Play a game of your choice - phase 3.
Lesson 48

3. BBC Bitesize - phonics videos 'ur'.

Read a book from book bag or listen to a story from Collins Big Cat.

Have a good day :)
Miss Letherby

Today’s reflection
Well done Lily, Kamil, Rocco, Ryder and Phoebe.