Here is the timetable for the week beginning 6th July.
Please continue to keep in touch and complete the home learning tasks.
Reading - Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Listen to the story 'the dinosaur that pooped a planet - Find words that rhyme. Discuss story. Say what you like, don't like about the story.
Maths - Day 1- The dinosaur that pooped a planet.
Creative and skills- Make a rocket using recyclable materials/household objects.
PE - Joe Wicks PE
Reading - Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Think about what it means to be greedy. Have you ever been greedy? Write a list of all the things the dinosaur ate.
Maths - Exploring the concept of doubles (Oak Academy)
Creative and skills - Make your own packed lunch that you could take up to space with you.
PE - Summer games challenge
Reading - Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Write a sorry letter from the dinosaur to the martians to apologise for being so greedy and eating everything in space.
Maths - Day 3 - The dinosaur that pooped a planet
Creative and skills - How to draw a dinosaur.
PE - Joe Wicks P.E (Youtube)
Reading -Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Create your own planet.
What does your planet look like? Do they have pets there? Draw your own space scene and give your planet a name.
Maths - Day 4 - The dinosaur that pooped a planet
Creative and skills - Magic Milk experiment
PE - Cosmic Kids Yoga (YouTube)
Reading -Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Practice writing capital letters. Match capital and lower case letters.
Maths - Finding half of numbers to 20. (Oak Academy)
Creative and skills - Coding Hour of code.
PE - Go Noodle
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