Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Tuesday 7th July

Good Morning,
I hope you got on well with the home learning tasks.
Remember to keep in touch. It's great to hear from you so please remember to keep sharing and commenting. 

Here are today's activities.

Activity 1 -Literacy
The dinosaur was very greedy. What does it mean to be greedy? Why isn't it nice to be greedy? Discuss.
What lesson does Danny and the dinosaur learn by the end of the book? Discuss.
Have you ever had a greedy dinosaur moment?
Draw pictures of and label some of the things the dinosaur ate.

Activity 2 - Maths 

Activity 3 - Creative/Skills
Have a go at making your own packed lunch that you would take up to space. You could sit outside in your ‘rocket’ or make a pretend rocket to eat your lunch in.

(Complete 1 of the 3 activities below)
1. New phonics play 
Play a game of your choice - phase 3.
Lesson 52

3. BBC Bitesize - phonics videos 'air'.

Read a book from book bag or listen to a story from Collins Big Cat.

Have a good day :)
Miss Letherby

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