How are you today? Hope all is well!
Its another lovely day today so make the most of it! Why not play in the garden or go for a nice walk?
Don't forget your daily exercise with Joe!
Here are your activities for today.
1. Your teachers are missing you and I expect by now you are beginning to miss each other.
Your first task is to go onto our class blog and leave a comment for me - you could just say hello and your name so I know who left the comment.
Go to
You can also find our blog under the home learning tab on the website.
Please publish your comment once you have written it.
2.Rainbow scavengers hunt. (See attached picture)
Go on a scavenger hunt around your home/garden.
Can you find something of each of the things listed in the picture? Record what you found on a piece of paper and label it.
3. 3d shape hunt challenge - Does it roll Make a collection of 3D shapes from your home, such as a tin of food (cylinder), a ball (sphere), a dice (cube), a cereal packet (cuboid) and an ice cream cone (cone). Make a simple ramp.Look at the different objects. Can you name which 3D shapes they are?
• Which shapes do you think will roll down the ramp?
• Test the shapes by placing them at the top of the ramp.
• Which shapes rolled?
Don't forget to fill in your weather chart for today as we are observing over time!
You could continue to practice your reading, play a phonics game on phonics play and complete one sheet from your pack if you are looking for more activities.
Have a great day!
Miss Letherby
Today's Reflection
- Thank you to Kamil and Callum for commenting on my blog :)
- Thank you Flynn for the really thoughtful letter you wrote me - that was kind of you and made my day!
- Lily B I love the story you wrote.
- Thank you everyone for another day of fantastic work from you! It's been so lovely to see you trying hard to complete the activities and challenges I set for you! The amount of time and effort you are putting in is brilliant. I am super proud of you all!
Well done Phoebe, Lily and Lily B for successfully completing the rainbow scavenger hunt!
Phoebe and Kamil spent a lot of time exploring 3d shapes. Phoebe drew around her shapes.
Kamil made a ramp and discovered which shapes slid and rolled, then he sorted them accordingly.
Here are some other amazing things Reception have been up to today!
The extremely thoughtful letter I received from Flynn :)
Lily mixed paints to create new colours then painted her own rainbow on her window for other children to see when they go out on a rainbow hunt.
Manna and Callum practiced their patterns and counting with a dot to dot.