Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday 12th June

Good Morning,
It has been lovely seeing the children back in school this week.

Thank you for a great week everyone. 
Remember to keep in touch. It's great to hear from you so please remember to keep sharing and commenting. 

Here are today's activities.

Joe Wicks PE - YouTube

Summer games challenge
This weeks challenge is the 'Netball' Challenge.
Keep practicing. Here is a link to the summer games website.
Scroll down until you see the challenges there is a video link and an activity sheet.
Remember let me know your score by the end of the week. 

I will assume that if you share a picture and a score with me that you are happy for this to be shared and uploaded to the summer games website if not please let me know.

Activity 1 -Literacy
Handwriting - curly caterpillar letters
Watch the video then complete the activities.
You could practice writing these letters in flour, using water and a brush, with chalk or just paper and pens.

Activity 2 - Maths 
Warm up - Write the numbers to 20.

Day 3 - The princess and the wizard Complete the activities.


Activity 3 - Creative/Skills
Build your own fairytale castle using construction materials, lego, building blocks etc.
You could make some labels for the different parts of your model.

(Complete 1 of the 3 activities below)
1. New phonics play - phase 4
Play grab a giggling grapheme phase 3 and tricky word trucks phase 2-4.
Play  phase 4 pick a picture.
Lesson 35

3. Read a book from book bag or listen to a story from Collins Big Cat.

Have a good day :)
Miss Letherby

Today’s reflection 
Well done everyone for another great week. 

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