Thursday, June 11, 2020

Thursday 11th June

Good Morning,
It has been lovely seeing the children back in school this week.

All children at home should be continuing to complete the home learning tasks. Reading is particularly important.
Remember to keep in touch. It's great to hear from you so please remember to keep sharing and commenting. 
Here are today's activities.
Summer games challenge
This weeks challenge is the 'Netball' Challenge.
Keep practicing. Here is a link to the summer games website.
Scroll down until you see the challenges there is a video link and an activity sheet.
Remember let me know your score by the end of the week. 

I will assume that if you share a picture and a score with me that you are happy for this to be shared and uploaded to the summer games website if not please let me know.

Activity 1 -Literacy

Design your own princess crown/fairy costume/ wizard hat.

Write a sentence to describe your hat/ costume.
You could use one of these templates to help you.

Activity 2 - Maths 
Warm up - Shape song

Day 3 - The princess and the wizard Complete the activities.

(Halving /doubling)

Activity 3 - Creative/Skills

If you are able to download the Bee-Bot app (Free) from google play or the app store and see if you can instruct the beebot around the course by giving him the correct instructions.

If you are unable to download the app maybe you could give instructions to someone in your house to help them get to a certain place e.g go forward 4 steps. Turn left go forward 2 steps - you reached the biscuit ;)

(Complete 1 of the 3 activities below)
1. New phonics play - phase 4
Play grab a giggling grapheme phase 3 and tricky word trucks phase 2-4.
Play  phase 3 rocket rescue.
Lesson 34

3. Read a book from book bag or listen to a story from Collins Big Cat.

Today’s reflection 
Here’s what you have been doing today. 

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