Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Tuesday 16th June

Good Morning,
I hope you are all well?
Please continue your fantastic work on the home learning tasks and keep in touch.

Here are today's activities.

Joe Wicks PE - Youtube

This weeks challenge is the 'Gymnastics' Challenge.
Here is a link to the summer games website.

Activity 1 -Literacy
I bet you are missing your friends a lot. Think about the things that you enjoy doing with your friends.
Write a sentence and draw a picture.
You could use one of the examples below or think of your own.
I like to …… with my friends.

Play, run, sing, paint etc.

Activity 2 - Maths 
Day 2 - Princess Mirror-Belle Complete the activities.

Activity 3 - Creative/Skills
Make a rainbow in a Jar.

(using skittles, or food colouring and sugar)

(Complete 1 of the 3 activities below)
1. New phonics play 
Play a game of your choice - phase 3.
Lesson 37

3. BBC Bitesize - phonics videos phase 3.

Read a book from book bag or listen to a story from Collins Big Cat.

Have a good day :)
Miss Letherby

Today’s reflection
Well done for completing today’s tasks. 
Here’s what you have been up to. 

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