Here is the timetable for the week beginning 29th June.
Please continue to keep in touch and complete the home learning tasks.
Reading - Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Listen to the story of Oliver's Vegetables - Discuss story. Sort healthy and not healthy foods. (Linked to part of today's maths)
Maths - Day 1- Oliver's Vegetables (Veg pattern)
Creative and skills- Art - How to draw an elephant.
PE - Joe Wicks PE
Reading - Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Make an origami book or divide a piece of paper into 7 sections and use as a diary to record what Oliver ate on each day.
Creative and skills - Paper plate maze
PE - Summer games challenge - cricket
Reading - Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Draw a picture of your favourite Vegetable and write a sentence to say why.
I like …….. because…….
Creative and skills - Grow your own carrot tops.
PE - Joe Wicks P.E (Youtube)
Reading -Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Vegetable printing.
Use vegetables dipped in paint to create your own vegetable prints or veggie pictures. Or make your own veggie character by decorating a piece of veg and giving it eyes, and a face.
Maths - Play the Chopper Squad game.
Find 1 more or less with numbers 1-20
Find 1 more or less with numbers 1-20
Creative and skills - Flower Pounding.
PE - Cosmic Kids Yoga (YouTube)
Reading -Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Research - Pick a vegetable you don’t know much about. Find out where it comes from and how it grows. Write a couple of facts and draw a picture.
Maths - Oliver's vegetables - Day 5
Complete the Double Milkshake activity on page 4 only.
Creative and skills - Coding Hour of code.
PE - Go Noodle
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