Here is the timetable for the week beginning 22nd June.
Please continue to keep in touch and complete the home learning tasks.
Reading - Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Listen to the story of Zog, discuss and find rhyming pairs
Maths - Oak academy - Combining two quantities
Watch video and complete activities.
Watch video and complete activities.
Creative and skills- Art - How to draw a penguin.
PE - Joe Wicks PE
Reading - Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Linked to today’s maths - design and make your own rosette reward badge. What good thing have you done to get your reward badge? Write a sentence to explain. Or you could make it to give to someone else who has done something good.
Creative and skills - Create your own fruity faces. Fruit is healthy and good for our bodies.
PE - Summer games challenge - tennis
Reading - Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Write about your favourite year that zog was at school?
What did he learn and what happened to him.
Creative and skills - Shadow science How are shadows made?
Make your own shadow dance. Compare shadow sizes. Draw around shadows.
PE - Joe Wicks P.E (Youtube)
Reading -Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Draw your own dragon. Give your dragon a name.
Write about one thing it would learn at dragon school.
Maths - Oak academy - Addition
Watch video and complete activities
Watch video and complete activities
Creative and skills - .Make your own grass head.
PE - Cosmic Kids Yoga (YouTube)
Reading -Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play, BBC bitesize
Literacy - Handwriting - One armed long ladder letters.
Watch the video then complete the activities.
Watch the video then complete the activities.
Maths - Coin sort
Practice sorting one coin.
When you have finished use real coins or household items to subtract (practically take items away)
Creative and skills - Coding/ Computing Bee-Bot app or Hopster coding safari
PE - Go Noodle
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