Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Wednesday 10th June

Good Morning,
It has been lovely seeing the children back in school this week.

All children at home should be continuing to complete the home learning tasks. Reading is particularly important.
Remember to keep in touch. It's great to hear from you so please remember to keep sharing and commenting. 
Here are today's activities.

Cosmic Kids Yoga - Youtube

Summer games challenge
This weeks challenge is the 'Netball' Challenge.
Keep practicing. Here is a link to the summer games website.
Scroll down until you see the challenges there is a video link and an activity sheet.
Remember let me know your score by the end of the week. 

I will assume that if you share a picture and a score with me that you are happy for this to be shared and uploaded to the summer games website if not please let me know.

Activity 1 -Literacy
Draw a picture of a fairy Godmother or use the picture I’ve included. Think about what you would do if you had a fairy God mother. Maybe you would wish for something, or give her a hug.
Write down and finish the sentence.

If I had a fairy Godmother I would …..

Activity 2 - Maths 
Warm up - Sing 10 in the bed

Day 3 - The princess and the wizard Complete the activities.

Activity 3 - Creative/Skills
Go fishing activity - make your own pond and then go fishing.

(Complete 1 of the 3 activities below)
1. New phonics play - phase 4
Practice your phase 2 and 3 flashcards and phase 2,3,4 tricky words.
Play Picnic on Pluto phase 3
Lesson 33

3. Read a book from book bag or listen to a story from Collins Big Cat.

Today's reflection
It's been lovely seeing lots of you back at school this week. 
Thank you to the children at home  for continuing to work on the home learning tasks.
Here is what you have been up to today and yesterday.

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