Friday, May 15, 2020

Fun day Friday 15.5

It's fun day Friday (AGAIN)
I can't believe how fast the weeks are going by.
I hope you are all well today?
If you haven't yet uploaded/emailed or been in contact this week please get in touch to say hello so I know you are OK!

Here are your activities for today!

Time to wake up
Join Joe Wicks for his daily PE workout (YouTube).

Today's literacy lesson is a fun way of activating those big arm movements.
I would like you to take your pen/pencil for a drive!
Tape a pencil/pen/felt tip to a toy vehicle. Lay a large piece of paper/cardboard on the floor and take the vehicle for a ride on the paper. 
What do you notice?
What marks have you made?
Can you make a pattern?
Write your name?

If you make marks that look like this you could colour each part in different colours.

Warm up - Ten in the bed

Day 5 - The Very busy Spider
Complete the activities.

Have another go at playing one of the coding games from the hour of code.
These help develop our computational thinking.

Candy Quest

Lesson 14 but feel free to catch up on others if you have missed them.
Play Obb and Bob phase 4 on
Practice your flash cards and tricky words.

Read a book from book bag or listen to a story from Collins Big Cat.

Have a great day :)
Miss Letherby 

Today's reflection
Well done for another great week reception.
You have done a tremendous job with your home learning tasks. 
Thank you for continuing to stay in touch and working with such determination.
Here's what you have been doing today.

Here is Kamil working on some gross motor activities.

Lily B has been taking care of the environment and creating her own dream catcher.

 Phoebe has also been continuing to work hard at home.

Lily created a beautiful pattern, wrote a lovely story and has been keeping fit.

Tyron made a lovely pattern and has created his own story.

Well done everyone have a fantastic weekend!

Miss Letherby

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