Friday, May 1, 2020

Timetable w.b 4th May

Hello Everyone,
Here is the timetable for the week beginning 4th May. 
Reminder - Friday is a bank holiday so you can enjoy a four day week :)

Thank you for all your hard work and cooperation with the home learning tasks.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Reading - Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play
Literacy - Read ‘The Naughty Bus’ YouTube.Talk about what is happening in some of the scenes in the story.
Maths - Day 1 - The hungry caterpillar, Watch video and then complete the activities.
Creative and skills- Road safety - how to cross a road while out for a walk.

PE - PE with Joe Wicks

Reading - Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play
Literacy - Design your own set of traffic lights. Write what each colour means.

Maths - Day 2 - The hungry caterpillar, Watch video and then complete the activities.
Creative and skills - Be kind and helpful, wash your bike or mummys car with a sponge and soapy water.
PE - Go Noodle (YouTube)

Reading - Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play
Literacy - Writing sentences about a lollipop lady.
Maths - Day 2 - The hungry caterpillar, Watch video and then complete the activities.
Creative and skills - Threading
PE - Cosmic Kids Yoga (YouTube)

Reading -Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play
Literacy - VE DAY, Video, Flag - Union Jack
Maths - Day 3 - The hungry caterpillar, Watch video and then complete the activities.

Creative and skills - Coding activity.
Play a coding game to start to develop your computational thinking. Listen to the instructions and then complete the task.

PE - Joe Wicks P.E (Youtube)

Things to watch this week
Cbeebies - number blocks
Cbeebies - Alphablocks
Song we’ll Meet again - Vera Lynn

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