Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Tuesday 19th May

Hello Everyone!
How are you today? I hope you are all well and feeling happy :)

Here are your activities for today!

Fancy a bit of a giggle - why not take part in the draw on my back challenge with someone who lives in your house. 

Time to wake up
Do the bear walk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG3AO6lJ4BQ

Listen to and join in with the nursery rhyme horsie, horsie don’t you stop https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/nursery-rhymes-horsie-horsie-dont-you-stop/z4kvhbk
Not all types of transport are vehicles. Can you think of any more types of transport that are not vehicles?
Make a list

Design and make your own lucky horseshoe.

You will need:
Card (cereal box)
Tin foil/ silver paper

Cut a life size horseshoe shape from the card.
Cover it with tin foil.
Use black felt pen or similar to mark the nail holes around the horseshoe. You can also decorate if you like.
Attach some ribbon to the top and hang up your lucky horseshoe charm.

Warm up - Count up to 20 and back down again.

Day 2 - Superworm
Complete the activities - ordering numbers

Create a water maze. Use household items and plastic recyclable materials to create your very own water maze.
Ones you have constructed your water maze you can have lots of fun playing and exploring by pouring water down your maze. You could even see if you can use the water to push/float objects along your maze.

New phonics play - phase 4
Practice your phase 2 and 3 flashcards and phase 2,3,4 tricky words.
Play a game of Buried Treasure phase 4.

https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=letters+and+sounds+for+home+and+school+reception lesson 17

Read a book from book bag or listen to a story from Collins Big Cat.

Have a great day :)
Miss Letherby 

Today so far
Some super work from Manna - great improvement in her letter formation and a lovely lucky horseshoe.

Brilliant work from Phoebe in phonics and she made her own water maze.

Super lucky horseshoe charm from Kamil and you thought of lots of transport that isn't a vehicle.

Ryder has been learning while he watches his programmes at home.

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