Thursday, May 7, 2020

Timetable wb Monday 11th May

Hello Everyone,
Here is the timetable for the week beginning 11th May. 
Thank you for all your hard work and cooperation with the home learning tasks.
I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Reading - Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play
Literacy - Read ‘The Naughty Bus’ YouTube.Draw a picture of your favourite part. Say a sentence to go with your picture then write it down.
Maths - Day 1 - The very busy spider
Creative and skills- My Emotions - identify different emotions. Talk about things that make you happy, sad etc.
PE - PE with Joe Wicks

Reading - Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play
Literacy - The naughty bus. Listen to the story and then take your own bus/ car on an adventure. Tell a story as you go.
Maths - Day 2 - The very busy spider
Creative and skills - Chatter pix kid App This app makes objects talk.
PE - Go Noodle (YouTube)

Reading - Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play
Literacy - Make a plan for your own short naughty bus story. Choose 2 things that the bus will go through
Maths - Day 2 - The very busy spider
Creative and skills - Games, games games - board game, card game, hopscotch.
PE - Cosmic Kids Yoga (YouTube)

Reading -Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play
Literacy - Write your own naughty bus story. You could even include real photographs that you have taken in your story.
Maths - Day 4 - The very busy spider
Creative and skills - Fine Motor/Mindfulness Kitchen towel Art with felt tips.
PE - Disney shake ups

Reading -Phonics Letters and sounds, Phonics play
Literacy - Take your pencil for a ride. Tape a pencil or felt tip to a toy vehicle. Write/draw.
Maths - Day 5 - The very busy spider
Creative and skills - Coding activity Hour of Code Candy Quest

PE - Joe Wicks P.E (Youtube)

Things to watch this week
Cbeebies - number blocks
Cbeebies - Alphablocks
FIlm - chitty chitty bang bang

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