Monday, May 11, 2020

Monday 11th May

Good Morning,
Did you have a good weekend? 
Did you enjoy celebrating V.E day? I sat outside in the front garden with all my neighbours! It was good fun.

Remember to Keep sharing pictures and comments of all the things you have been doing. I add these to our blog so all your friends can see what you've been doing. It's great for us to keep in contact.

Here are your activities for today!

Join Joe Wicks for his morning PE session on YouTube.

The Naughty Bus
Listen again to the story. 

Think about your favourite part of the story. Talk about what happens.
Draw a picture of your favourite part of the story. Say a sentence to go with your picture then write it down.
For example...
The naughty bus zoomed past the people. They could not get on the bus.

Warm up - Count to 100.
Day 1 - The Very busy Spider
Complete the activities.

My Emotions

Talk about emotions - what makes you happy, sad, excited.

  • Draw some faces showing different emotions.
  • Talk about what you can do to make yourself feel better when you feel sad, worried e.g hug a teddy/friend, tell a grown up etc.

Here are some worksheets you can use if you want to.

Lesson 10 but feel free to catch up on others if you have missed them.
Practice your flash cards and tricky words.
Play buried treasure phase 4 on

Have a great day :)
Miss Letherby 

Today's Reflection
It's been a quiet Monday today - I haven't heard from many of you! Please remember to upload comments and/or pictures so I can see all the fun things that you've been doing and so I know you are ok.

Here's what some of you have been doing today.

Kamil had a busy day feeding the birds and he built and amazing spiders web to help him with his maths.

Phoebe's work on VE day and feelings.

Callum did some writing about his favourite part of the naught bus story.

Lily B has been working hard at home and at school.

Manna also did some great writing about her favourite part of the naughty bus story and did some work on emotions.

Lyla has been baking and completing her learning tasks today.

Lianater made her flag for VE day and has written about her favourite part of the story.

Well done :)
Have a good evening!

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