I hope you are all well.
Please remember to upload pictures and get in contact as it's nice to keep in contact. I like hearing from you and seeing all the brilliant things you have been up to.
Here are your activities for today!
Time to wake up
Cosmic Yoga (Youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKmRB2Z3g2s
On the farm.
Watch the first couple of minutes of this video.
Have you ever been on an aeroplne?
Talk about what it was like? Where did you go?
Why do people have to travel by plane sometimes why can't they ride their bike or go in the car? Discuss this with a grown up.
Make your very own paper aeroplane and decorate it.
Here's how - step by step instructions.
Have a paper aeroplane competition.
Who can throw their plane the furthest.
You get set up some targets and make a game where you score points.
Warm up - Sing a number rhyme of your choice!
Day 3 - Superworm
Complete the activities - Counting to 20.
Complete a jigsaw puzzle.
If you like you could have a go at making your own puzzle.
On a piece of paper/ cardboard draw a picture and colour it all in nicely including the background.
Cut your paper/card into 6/8/12 etc pieces can you put them together again?
New phonics play - phase 4
Practice your phase 2 and 3 flashcards and phase 2,3,4 tricky words.
Play a game of Make a match - phase 3 or 4.
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=letters+and+sounds+for+home+and+school+reception lesson 18
Read a book from book bag or listen to a story from Collins Big Cat.
Have a great day :)
Miss Letherby
Today's Reflection
Here's all the things you have been up to today - well done everyone!
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